Monday, August 25, 2014

Lunches for an Outing: Stowe Pinnacle - 8.25.14

School starts tomorrow, and I had the day off today, so I thought it would be a good day to fit one more outing into our summer break.   We decided to head up Stowe Pinnacle, where we have hiked before (but it was a couple of years ago).  It is a really fantastic hike - not a long haul, and a big payoff.

For our lunches, we have sandwiches on whole wheat bread with garlic hummus, pesto gouda, smoked turkey, and salami, some cheese and peanut butter crackers, apple slices, and some figs (The Boy had strawberries, as he is not fond of figs, and I am not going to waste them!)

A panorama of the top
We hiked along with my friend and her daughter, and I would love to hike it again in a month or so, when the foliage colors really start to pop.

My friend is a photographer..

Stay tuned - school lunches are coming soon!

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