Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lunches: 9.18.14

I have the day off, and The Hubby doesn't need a lunch, so it's just the kids for this Thursday.

Cornbread: 30g, apple snack stick: 4g, apple slices: 4g, meat stick: 2g, watermelon: 5g. goldfish: 12g
The Boy has some leftover pumpkin cornbread, apple snack sticks, a VT Smoke & Cure meat stick, apple slices, watermelon, and some Goldfish crackers.  He has a cereal bar for snack (not pictured, 27g)

The Girl has leftover pumpkin cornbread, apple snack sticks, a VT Smoke & Cure meat stick, apple slices, watermelon, and jackfruit crisps.  She also has a cereal bar for snack (not pictured).

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