Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lunches: 9.29.14

Happy Monday!

The Hubby and I have leftover pizza for our lunches (not pictured), and the children have leftovers, too.
Apple slices: 4g, watermelon: 5g, gnocchi; 12g, bean crisps: 3g, chicken: 3g, yogurt star cookies: 8g
The Boy has leftover gnocchi and chicken, along with some watermelon, apple slices, green bean crisps, and yogurt star cookies.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

The Girl also has leftover gnocchi and chicken, with a peach, apple slices, green bean crisps, and yogurt star cookies.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

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