Thursday, September 4, 2014

Lunches: 9.5.14 (one Kid Made!)

The Hubby and I have lunches, but I neglected to take pictures of them.  They are leftovers - nothing exciting.
Caesar salad wrap: 25g. cheese: 1g, yogurt cookies: 8g, sunflower seeds: 1g, Goldfish crackers: 16g, watermelon: 5g
For Friday, The Boy decided to make his own lunch.  He has a Caesar salad wrap (I helped him to roll and secure it), yogurt star cookies, goldfish, watermelon, cheese, and sunflower seeds.  His snack will be a yogurt (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl has a slider sandwich with hummus and ham, a cheese stick, some yogurt star cookies, plaintain chips, and some pear sauce.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

1 comment:

  1. I love your lunches! They're all awesome. The cesar salad wrap is a great idea and I love the writing on the applesauce! I may need to borrow that one tomorrow! :)

    I started a lunchbox link-up on my blog today if you wanted to check it out and come link up! It's brand new and I'm running an Easy Lunchboxes giveaway, too:

