Friday, October 10, 2014

Lunches: 10.10.14

It's Friday!

It's an exciting day... the Girl has her first middle school dance tonight (*gulp*), and she also finds out if she got into the select choir that she auditioned for on Wednesday - crossing fingers!  It's not as exciting a day for The Boy, though he loves Fridays because there is an extra recess for kids who bring in their homework.

Anyhow, we are happy for Friday to be here.

Lunches are simple.  I had a PTO meeting last night and didn't have a lot of time to put them together, but I still think they will be delicious.

Veggie snack sticks: 8g, grapes:10g, meat stick: 3g, cheese stick: 1g, apple: 8g, Letter cookies: 8g
The Boy has some grapes, veggie snack sticks, a small apple, a cheese stick, a meat stick from Vermont Smoke & Cure (review coming soon!), and some Cinnamon Schoolbook cookies.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

The Girl has some grapes, veggie snack sticks, a couple clementines, a cheese stick, a meat stick from Vermont Smoke & Cure, and some Cinnamon Schoolbook cookies.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

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