Friday, October 24, 2014

Lunches: 10.24.14

It's Friday - one week until Halloween!  We have a school Halloween dance tonight, and then next week, I have not one, but two themed blog hops coming up - and then my Halloween Party and all of the food involved with it!  So, for now, still just plain lunches, but rest assured - fun is coming.  At least I finally went grocery shopping, so I have more than apples to put in lunches.  Sometimes, life happens and groceries don't, and you make do with what you have.

Sandwich: 30g, grapes: 5g, mozarella stick: 0g, apple slices: 4g, lentil curls: 6g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus and ham, some grapes, a fresh mozzarella stick, apple slices, and lentil curls.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 23g).

The Girl has a sandwich with hummus and ham, grapes, a fresh mozzarella stick, kiwi slices, and lentil curls.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

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