Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lunches 10.29.14 - Halloween Blog Hop!

Halloween is upon us again, and it's time for another Bento Blogger & Friends Halloween Blog Hop, where we share some of our favorite ideas for lunches to celebrate the spooky season.

Quesadillas: 25g, RealStick: 1g, Blue Corn Chips: 5g, Yogurt Star: 2g, Apple slices: 6g, grapes: 6g

The Boy has some Jack-o-Lantern quesadillas, decorated with black food coloring, along with some blue corn tortilla chips, half a Vermont Smoke & Cure RealStick (BBQ flavor), grapes, and apple slices, and a single yogurt star cookie.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g)

I got some great skelaton cutters from BentoUSA, and I used them to cut tortillas for quesadillas for The Girl.  He has a skull, a bone, and a bony chest.  I decorated them with some black food coloring, and made them into quesadillas.

She also has a couple jack-o-lantern clementines.

In her lunch, she also has boo-tiful kiwi slices (don't they look like eyes?), blue corn tortilla chips, and half a Vermont Smoke & Cure RealStick.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured)

As a note, my blog post will be live before the hop is, so that The Boy's school nurse can see his carbs in his lunch for his insulin dosage.  Come back after 10:30 EST to see what my Bento Bloggers & Friends have in the way of spooky deliciousness.  Click on the button to see what Beneficial Bento has in store, when the hop goes live.  Enjoy!


  1. Your lunch is awesome, but those nails are freaking fabulous!

  2. Love these quesadillas!

  3. The bone cutters are too cool. Love how you used them

  4. Love the tortillas and the nails!

  5. Hello! I just came across your blog today! and i'm glad I did. I'm having a really hard time making lunches for my 4 years old. She's very picky and doesn't like much of ANYTHING. I have a question for you, are all of your lunches served cold? including the leftovers you use?

    1. For the most part, the lunches are served cold. The Girl has a microwave in her cafeteria (she's in 6th grade) and she sometimes warms hers up, but both the kids are generally happy with cold or room temperature. Makes it easier for me!

  6. love those quesadillas! and awesome lunch!
