Monday, October 13, 2014

Recipe: Eggs Benedict Breakfast Pizza

I had my friends over for breakfast on Sunday, and I decided to try my hand at an Eggs Benedict Pizza.  Eggs Benedict is The Girl's absolute favorite breakfast food.  She gets it without fail every time we go out to our favorite diner.

I went easy because I was working late on Saturday.  I bought pizza dough and Hollandaise sauce, but you could absolutely make your own.  Here's a good looking Hollandaise recipe, and here is my favorite pizza dough recipe.

Eggs Benedict Breakfast Pizza

Pizza dough for one pizza (store bought or homemade)
6 oz (by weight) fresh baby spinach
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 c Hollaindaise sauce (store bought - I like the Trader Joe's one - or homemade)
8 thin slices Canadian bacon, diced
6 eggs

Roll your pizza dough out into a thin circle about 18" round, to fit on your pizza pan or baking stone, lightly coated with corn meal.

Preheat oil in a large saute pan.  Add the spinach, sprinkle with garlic, and wilt on medium heat until cooked down.

Spread Hollandaise sauce on the pizza crust.  Top evenly with the cooked spinach, and then with the diced Canadian bacon.  Preheat oven to 350 F while the pizza rises a bit.  Bake for 10 minutes, or until the crust begins to brown.

Remove the pizza from the oven and carefully break 6 eggs evenly around the pizza, so that there is one for each slice.  Be careful not to break the yolks.  Return to the oven and bake for an additional 6-8 minutes, or until the whites are cooked but the yolks remain soft.

Serve with extra Hollandaise sauce if desired.

And maybe a mimosa...

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