Monday, November 17, 2014

Lunches: 11.17.14

It's Monday!
Sandwich: 20g, Inca Corn: 10g, yogurt: 10g, freeze-dried strawberries: 1g, apple slices: 4g

The Boy has a sandwich on a whole wheat roll with hummus, turkey, and cheese, along with some Giant Peruvian Inca Corn from Trader Joe's (think really big corn nuts), a yogurt, freeze-dried strawberries, and apple slices.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl has a turkey, hummus, and cheese sandwich on a whole wheat roll, Giant Peruvian Inca Corn, a yogurt tube, freeze-dried strawberries, and apple slices.  She has a cereal bar for snack (not pictured).

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