Friday, December 12, 2014

Lunches: 12.12.14

I decided to do something fun for this Friday lunch.  How about everything round?

Meatballs: 10g, grapes: 6g, carrots: 3g, sandwich crackers: 10g, Mozzarella balls: 1g, spinach & kale bites: 9g
 The Boy has some spinach and kale bites (from Trader Joe's), roasted Parisian carrots (they are Heirloom carrots that grow round!), mini meatballs, mini Mozzarella balls, mini peanut butter sandwich crackers, and grapes.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl has the same thing.  It's a good square meal, in a good round package.

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