Friday, January 16, 2015

Lunches: 1.16.15

Happy Friday!

The kids have been begging me to get some seaweed snacks for a while now - apparently, lots of kids at school have been enjoying them.  The Boy has tried them before and like them, so we'll see about The Girl.
Sandwich: 40g, seaweed snacks: 0g, apple slices: 8g
The Boy has a sandwich with pesto, cheese, and turkey, along with seaweed snacks, and apple slices.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

The Girl has seaweed snacks, orange slices, a piece of leftover pizza, and some corn chips with guacamole.  She has eschewed guacamole for years, until last night.  I offered her some to try with the quesadillas we had for dinner, and she LOVED it!  I love the stage she's at right now - she's willing to try new things, and she has been finding that she really enjoys many of them.  This makes packing lunches more fun for me.

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