Friday, February 13, 2015

Lunches: 2.13.15 - Lunchy Valentines

Since Valentine's Day is tomorrow,  I thought I'd send some love in lunches (more than usual!).

Sandwiches: 25g, strawberries: 4g, gummy conversation hearts: 14g, apple slices: 4g, carrots & ranch: 2g
The Boy has a couple heart sandwiches with hummus, spinach, and turkey, along with strawberries,  some gummy conversation hearts for a treat, apple slices,  and carrots with ranch. His snack is a yogurt (not pictured,  10g).

The Girl has a couple heart sandwiches with hummus, turkey, and spinach,  along with strawberries,  gummy roses for a treat, apple slices, and carrots with ranch.

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