Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lunches: 3.17.15 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I have a bit of Irish in me (I am 1/8 Irish), so I like to do something fun for St. Patrick's Day.  However, with The Girl's birthday the day before St. Patrick's Day, we don't have time or energy to go all out for crazy St. Patrick's Day fun.

Therefore, I packed simple St. Patrick's Day lunches for the kids.

The Girl has a sandwich with cocoa almond spread, with a cut out sprinkled with some leftover green colored graham cracker "moss" from her birthday cake.  She also has some sesame sticks, grapes, and tomato mozzarella "mushrooms".

Peanut noodles: 45g, tomato mozzarella "mushrooms": 3g, grapes: 7g
The Boy has some leftover peanut noodles (he's been begging for them in his lunch since we had them for dinner last week!), along with tomato mozzarella "mushrooms" and grapes.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

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