Monday, March 23, 2015

Lunches: 3.23.15

These lunches are brought to you by the fact that Friday was the first day of spring, but it is 8 F outside right now.  Maybe I can lure spring out with spring-like lunches.

Sandwich roll-ups: 35g, sesame sticks: 5g, strawberries: 6g. carrots: 3g, fruit cup in gel: 24g
The Boy has sandwich roll-ups with cocoa almond spread and just a couple sprinkles, along with strawberries, fruit cup in gelatin, sesame sticks, and carrots.  He has a cereal bar for snack (not pictured, 24g)

The Girl has sandwich roll-ups with cocoa almond spread and a few sprinkles, with strawberries, fruit cup in gelatin, sesame sticks, and carrots. 

I think later this week is supposed to finally be seasonably warm - before it plunges down to wintry temperatures again for the weekend.  Joy. 

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