Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lunches: 3.26.15

It's Thursday, and we'll still trying to convince spring to come.. it's warmer today, but it still has a way to go.
Sandwich: 40g, sesame sticks: 6g, fruit gelatin cup: 24g
Today, The Boy has a sandwich with cocoa almond spread, and a cut out with a tiny bit of leftover graham cracker crumbs (colored green) from The Girl's birthday party.  He also has a fruit gelatin cup, and some sesame sticks.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 26g)

The Girl has a cocoa almond spread sandwich with a cut out dusted with green graham cracker crumbs, along with a fruit gelatin cup, and some sesame sticks.  She also has a granola bar for snack (not pictured).

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