Monday, March 30, 2015

Lunches: 3.30.15

It's almost the end of March - I'm not sure how much energy I'm going to have for April Fool's Day on Wednesday, but I'll try to pull something off... planning stages now, in my head.
Sandwich: 30g, veggie chips: 5g, raisins: 16g, apple slices: 10g
For this Monday, The Boy has a turkey sandwich, veggie chips, raisins, and apple slices.  (As a note, I recently realized that our carb counts for apples are a bit low - so you'll notice that the counts are different than normal.  Oops!  We haven't noticed any changes in his blood sugar due to miscounted apples, but who knows?  It's good to be as accurate as possible when it comes to managing Type 1 diabetes.  We do a lot of estimation, due to homemade things, so adjusting things like apples in our counts might help.)  His snack is some homemade granola (see, estimation here: 16g)

The Girl has a turkey sandwich, raisins, veggie chips, and apple slices. 

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