Monday, May 4, 2015

Lunches: 5.4.15 - May the Fourth Be With You

I hate to let May the Fourth pass without some kind of celebration, though I didn't have time for fancy lunches today, I included a little nod to the day.

And, I'm wearing my hair in double buns.

Tomatoes: 5g, strawberries: 7g, yogurt star cookies: 7g, broccoli: 1g, applesauce: 12g, wrap: 15g
The Boy has cherry tomatoes, strawberries, an applesauce, crispy crunchy broccoli, yogurt star cookies, and a wrap with ham and cheese.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

The Girl has cherry tomatoes, strawberries, an applesauce, crispy crunchy broccoli, yogurt star cookies, and a roll-up with ham and cheese.

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