Monday, September 28, 2015

Lunches: 9.28.15

Happy Monday!  We are all a little tired over here, because we stayed up (and let the kids stay up!) to see the Blood Moon Eclipse, but the view was worth the slow morning!  Of course, I cannot get a good picture with my phone, but I think the internet has enough pictures of the glorious moon for all of us.
Sandwich: 35g, yogurt: 10g, apple slices: 8g, yogurt star cookies: 12g

The Boy has a ham sandwich with hummus, a yogurt, apple slices from one of our own trees, and some yogurt star cookies.  His snack is a trail mix (not pictured, 26g).

The Girl also has a ham sandwich with hummus, a yogurt, apple slices, and some yogurt star cookies.

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