Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lunches: 3.15.16

More party leftovers for lunches today!
Sandwiches: 20g EACH, Spinach & kale bites: 8g, grapes: 6g, apple slices: 8g

The Boy has a couple mini sandwiches with ham, cheese, and hummus, spinach & kale bites, grapes, and apple slices.  His snack is a fruit & nut bar (not pictured, 14g).

The Girl also has a couple mini sandwiches with ham, cheese, and hummus, along with spinach & kale bites, grapes, and pomegranate seeds.

The Hubby also has a lunch for his new job - leftover chicken wings, spinach & kale bites, grapes, and blueberries.

I have the day off today, so no lunch for me!

Happy Wednesday!

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