Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Lunches: 9.1.16

September time, and time for the second day of school!  The first day went pretty well for these goofballs.

I made a pasta with pesto for dinner, and both kids liked it, so I've packed leftovers in lunches!

Pesto Pasta: 20g, ham: 1g, strawberries: 5g, yogurt star cookies: 16g
The Boy has pesto pasta, along with some ham, strawberries, and a couple yogurt star cookies (those cookies are discontinued, so we won't have them for long!)  His snack is an applesauce (not pictured, 15g).

The Girl has pesto pasta, ham, and pineapple.  And more pineapple.  She was pretty adamant about wanting more pineapple.

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