Friday, October 28, 2016

Lunches: 10.28.16

Happy Friday!

I made a fresh loaf of King Arthur's Bake-along for the month, Everyday Whole Wheat bread.  I have gotten lazy and haven't been making bread for the past few months, and I want to get back to it.  It's super easy (dough in my bread machine), and the family loves it.  Thank you, KAF, for the reminder.
Sandwich: 40g, apple slices: 8g, grapes: 5g

The Boy has a sandwich with Muhammara and ham, along with apple slices and grapes.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 24g).

The Girl has a sandwich with Muhammara and ham, with apple slices, grapes, and a granola bar.

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