Friday, December 16, 2016

Lunches: 12.16.16

It's just a little chilly today.  And, by a little chilly, I mean super cold.  Air temps are -3, with windchill going to -20 or below.

And the kids didn't even have a delayed start.  We are Vermonters.  Buckle up, layer up, and deal with the cold.
Sandwich: 40g, applesauce: 14g, apple slices: 8g

The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, salami, and lettuce, along with apple slices, and strawberry applesauce.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl has a sandwich with mayo, roast beef, cheese, and lettuce, along with apple slices. and strawberry applesauce.

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