Thursday, August 27, 2009

For the boy - lunch 8.27,09

Usually, my mother-in-law watches my kids, and she feeds them lunch.  Today, she is taking the girl, but she couldn't take the boy (it's a car seat thing, she has a temporary car, blah blah blah).  Long story short, the boy is going to a dear friend's house for the day, and I packed him a lunch.

He's got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread, apple juice, peaches, a couple mini pumpkin zucchini muffins, Welch's yogurt covered blueberries, Bug shaped Graham crackers, a babybell cheese (with a P cut out on the wax for his name), and some raisins.

He's going to be there all day, so I didn't want him to run out of food.

He's also bringing some cheerios and a yogurt for breakfast.  I would have liked more fresh fruit, but this was an unexpected lunch packing, and I was left unprepared.  I would have also liked to pack some carrots for a veggie, but again, none in the house.  I need to go shopping for produce before school starts next week.  He's got zucchini in the muffin - that counts, right?

This took less than 5 minutes to pack.  It's all grab and go.  It doesn't have to take a lot of time to pack a nice lunch.

1 comment:

  1. and he ate and loved every single morsel !!!!!and then we made organic pop corn with sea salt...he loves to help me make that...yum yum
