Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lunch: 9.11.09

Last day of packing for the week!

For the boy's lunch, a nut-free granola bar, grapes, Scrabble Cheez-Its, a gogurt, bug shaped grahams, three mini pumpkin-zucchini muffins, a babybell, and a juice.

Snack for the girl is four mini pumpkin zucchini muffins and some raisins with a juice.

Lunch is a cinnamon sugar bagel stick, gogurt, some grapes, a mini fruit jelly,a babybell, Scrabble Cheez-Its, grapes, and a spinach and whole wheat tortilla with ham.  (She was just eating the ham out of the wrap with hummus on it and asked for just ham).


  1. Mmmmm! For years I've been drooling over your creations! :) YUM!

  2. I LOVE the butterfly container with the muffins - so cute! I've just started making bento lunches for my little kindergartener so I'll be watching your blog for some ideas! Love it!

  3. I got the butterfly container at the grocery store! It has tinkerbell on top. My daughter is a little obsessed with butterflies, so it's appropriate. I love how the mini muffins fit in the corners!
    I've added your blog to my blog roll. Have fun!
