Sunday, September 20, 2009

Recipe: Mini Maple Pumpkin Pancake Muffins

I love Bakerella.  She's all sorts of awesome and I have gotten a lot of inspiration from her.

When I saw her Mini Maple Pumpkin Pancake Muffins, I knew I had to make them.  I won't re-type the recipe here, because I only changed it minimally.  I used some blueberries and some chocolate chips in the muffins (some of the commenters on Bakerella are calling them Puffins, and I like that).  I used half whole wheat flour and half white.  I topped them with a little maple glaze.

Maple Glaze

1/2 c confectioner's sugar
1/4 c maple syrup
2 Tbp milk

I declare my love for Bakerella.  Try these little Puffins.  They are yummy.

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