Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lunch 1.13.10

Snack is pineapple, teddy bear mango ceylon tea jelly sandwich, craisins & raisins, and juice.

Lunch is some apple slices, half a kiwi, babybell, some bug shaped graham crackers, three pork & leek dumplings, remnants from the jelly sandwich (she asked for them!), and a yogurt.

As a heads up, I'll be having another giveaway of the Lunchbox Love notes from SayPlease next month!  I am loving them, and so is the girl.

Disclaimer:  I bought my own Lunchbox Love Notes, and have not been compensated in any way for my giveaways of them, nor for my use of them.  I just think they are darned cute, and the company is kind enough to provide for the giveaways.

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