Monday, February 1, 2010

Giveaway: Lunchbox Love!

It's time for another giveaway of Lunch Box Love Notes by SayPlease.

(Image above is from their website)

Generously, they are sponsoring another giveaway for you, my wonderful readers!

All you have to do is leave a comment below.  The giveaway will run until Thursday night (2/4) around 6 PM.  I will randomly pick one winner who will receive Volumes 3 & 4 of the Lunch Box Love notes.   You may even get them in time for a sweet Valentine's lunch for your little one!

A portion of the proceeds from any order at SayPlease goes to the Lunchbox Fund charity.

The girl loves her Lunchbox Love notes, and always looks forward to seeing what her "Did You Know" fact of the day is.  I've even snuck one into my hubby's lunch now and then!  He thinks I'm goofy, but I think he secretly likes it...

Thank you to SayPlease for the donation of the prize for this giveaway.  I have not been compensated in any way for this giveaway.


  1. Cool! I love the idea of these notes. I keep meaning to put something in small sprog's bento box, but I keep forgetting!

  2. I love these notes! It's such a nice addition to the lunch :D

  3. Love these notes! My mom used to write little notes on the napkins she packed in my lunches!

  4. Love the Did you know's... I'm full of all sorts of useless information :)

  5. Wow these would be better than leaving post it notes in Alicia's lunch box haha Awesome!!! Count me in :)

  6. These are great. I am glad I found your blog it's much needed inspiration.

  7. These cards are just precious! Very cute - count me in! :)
