Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Toy: Farm Animal Silver Dollar Pancake Skillet

I saw this the other day and had to get it - a Barnyard Silver Dollar Pancake Pan!

I found that it works best to brush the pan with oil (Non-stick spray is NOT recommended; it can leave a nasty residue on non-stick cookware.  Save it for stainless items), cook them on one side in the patterned pan, and then flip them (using a wooden skewer or chopstick, to prevent scratching the non-stick on the pan) into a regular skillet.

They are totally adorable and would go great in bentos!  For now, I am keeping them in the freezer for quick breakfasts. 


  1. Super cute! I've been eyeing that pan for some time now but we just don't have space for it lol.
