Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mommy & Daddy's Lunch: 8.3.10

This lunch is shared on What's For Lunch at Our House!

I packed our lunch in our Easy LunchBoxes, and the experiment to wrap the roll in a baggie was a messy idea, but it worked..

We each had leftover Crockpot Barbecue Beef and Beans, with a roll, some of my mother-in-law's veggie and pasta salad (I did not make this, she gave it to us, so I do not have a recipe).  Daddy has some fudge revel bites.  I have some strawberries (because I brought a baggie of fudge revel bites for coffee time at work!)

1 comment:

  1. I missed this one (sorry, got crazy busy with Ben's birthday plans). I love your baked goods recipes. I have a bunch of them saved to try one of these days.

    Thanks for adding it to last week's link up! :o)
