Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back to School EasyLunchbox Giveaway: WINNER

Thank you to all who entered!  I hope that those of you who do not win still look into getting some EasyLunchboxes - seriously, the best thing to happen to my packing.

As chosen by, the winner is... #15 - Shautel

Shautel said... I would love a set of containers because I send my lunch to school with my youngest son and I also make meals for my husband to take with him when. He works out of town and I try to send him at least 2 to 3 meals.
I will send your email address over to Kelly at EasyLunchboxes, and they will get in touch with you as to how to redeem your prize.

Thank you again, and keep a look out later for my next Gift Ideas for the Lunch Packer post, which also includes a giveaway!

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