Thursday, August 25, 2011

An Off-Topic Giveaway: The Prize by (my brother) Lars D.H. Hedbor

What's Back to School without a good book to read?

If you have been on my Facebook Page, you've probably seen my very proud announcements... my big brother, Lars D. H. Hedbor, has published a book!

The book is called The Prize, and it is the first in his series of tales from the American Revolution.  He has a second book at the publisher as we speak!

It is available in e-book format (for only $3.99) for Kindle, Nook, and others, and has just become available in paperback!

Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Caleb's father is serving with Ethan Allen's Green Mountain Boys as the long-anticipated open war against the British rages up and down the length of Lake Champlain. Between his duties on the family farm and constant worry about his father's safety, the young man's attentions are already fully occupied when a fateful encounter with an unlikely neighbor changes everything. Pulled into new intrigues and new friendships, Caleb finds himself on a path that changes his life - and which will affect the outcome of the whole war.

Because I want to share my brother's wonderful talent with you, I have decided to give away one copy of The Prize in paperback to one lucky reader!  To enter, just leave a comment below about your favorite historical period to read about.

If you are on Facebook, I encourage you to "like" his author page (Lars D.H. Hedbor), and the book page (The Prize).  This is not necessary to enter the contest, but it's cool to keep up on news from him (and to look out for new books to come!)

As always, I need a way to contact you.  Anonymous commenters, with no contact information, cannot win.  If I can't contact you, I can't get your address to send you your prize of The Prize.  Simple as that.  US entries only, please.

One comment per person, please.

I will choose a winner, using, on Friday, September 2nd at 6 PMish, EST.


  1. I can't wait to read this.

    Not sure what my favorite historical period to read about is. Torn between American colonization and Pre-historic time frame.

  2. Goodness... Tutor is perhaps my favorite, BUT I do work for a living history museum that portrays 1875, so I read LOTS on Victorian (domestic) life, which I love as well.

  3. I have heard of the author and would be incredibly happy to get a copy.

  4. i love historical fiction of any kind. two of my favorite books are Pillars of the Earth and World without End, both by ken follett. thanks for the chance to win!

  5. I love all historical fiction - but as a teenager I loved the American Revolution and would love to revisit again. Going to have to put this on my to read list. ;)

  6. I really like the ones that jump around to different periods.

  7. I love historical fiction of the Industrial Revolution, especially reading stories of immigrants and their struggles to make this a great nation. Reading of their trials and tribulations just to survive, yet their burning desire to work honorably and instill their native countries' ethics is very inspiring.

  8. i always get pulled into the Revolutionary War and the Civil War --- Ken Burns on PBS has really set me up to want to learn more about these two eras...its funny in school these were not my favorite periods...more involved with pioneers, and Indians, and the push west...
    and I love little the daughter of a soldier telling what is was little without her daddy being home...adore Abigail Adams too.

  9. Since moving to Maryland I've gotten more and more interested in reading about the Civil War. :)


  10. The Civil War period...

  11. I would love to win!



  12. I love reading about the Revolutionary and Civil Wars - Love reading about what things were like and different points of view. Congrats to you and your brother for being such wonderful writers! I guess it's all in the genes!
