Friday, October 7, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 10.7.11

Applesauce: 10g, granola: 10g
The Boy's snack is applesauce (in a silicone push pop mold) and my Grandma's granola.
Strawberries; 5g.  Goldfish: 11g, rollup: 18g, yogurt: 8g, raisins: 16g, babybell: 1g

His lunch is turkey pepperoni and cheese roll ups on a whole wheat tortilla (I melted the cheese a little before rolling it up), a homemade "go-gurt" (in a vacuum sealer bag - homemade greek yogurt plus a little fruit puree), raisins, goldfish crackers and pretzels, strawberries, and a babybell.

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