Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 11.16.11

The Boy has the same thing for snack as yesterday - banana (25g) and some berry applesauce (13g).  No pic necessary.
Dumplings: 39g, juicy jelly: 9g, cheez-its: 10g, apple: 8g, granola bar: 10g
In his lunch, I have some pork & leek dumplings, which I picked up at the Asian market yesterday.  He is so excited to have them, if memory serves, he'll gobble them down.  He also has an apple, a tropical granola bar, Scrabble cheez-its, and a pineapple juicy jelly from the Asian market as well.

1 comment:

  1. Those dumplings look delish, even though I don't eat pork. What a yummy looking lunch!! So much kid-appeal going on here :)
