Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lunch for The Boy, Lunch for The Girl, and Lunch for Mommy: Mom's Day Off Blog Hop

I'm doing this a little differently today, because in honor of Mother's Day, I've taken the day off from lunch making.  The Girl made a lunch for me, and a lunch for herself, and The Boy made his own lunch.
Veggie straws: 15g, fruit leather: 12g
The Boy's snack is some Veggie Straws and a Stretch Island Fruit Leather.

Sandwich: 30g, fruit: 7g, bunnies: 19g

His lunch kind of cracks me up... he made himself a cream cheese and strawberry jam sandwich, and also included a tiny piece of ham "because I didn't want to overdo it," along with some mixed fruit and some Annie's Cheddar Bunnies.


The Girl's snack is a "Mooshed berry" mix ... yeah, she chose this...

Her lunch is some Annie's Cheddar Bunnies, Veggie Straws (I told her that this once, I would let her have both, but usually she would have to choose one or the other...), strawberries and raspberries, and some ham & cheddar roll-ups.


The Girl made my lunch and was very excited about it... she wouldn't let me see what she was making until it was done.  She gave me a little fruit salad, a ham and swiss sandwich full of food picks, and some cocoa almonds, along with a Lunchbox Love note that she wrote on for me.

Want to see what other Bento Bloggers & Friends have their kids make for them?  Some are doing kids or Dad making for mom, or Dad making for kids, or kids making for kids... basically, it's just Mom's Day Off!  Head on over to Veggie Bento to see what her family has to offer for Mom's Day Off, and then hop along the blog hop from there!  (All links should be live by tomorrow afternoon/evening..)

Hope that all the moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day!!


  1. Hehehehe. I love all the picks in the sandwiches. My girls also had a blast with my picks. So cute!

  2. Beautiful Lunches! Happy Mother's Day to you :)

  3. Aww they both did a great job and I love the lunchbox love note she gave you! So sweet. :)

  4. I LOVE the lunch she made for you! So sweet!!

  5. I love them all... but that tiny piece of ham cracked me up!

  6. The ham and the "mooshed berries" both gave me a laugh. Looks like she could be a future pick addict.

  7. I love all the lunches especially the note for you. It's very heartwarming :)

  8. Considering how stingy I am with the picks, 6 picks must means she REALLY loves you! And I love that she thought to include a note!

  9. They both did so well - and I LOVE that the Girl included a Lunchbox Love Note for you!

  10. I love the didn't want to over do it statement. These are the times you find out what you're really modeling for your kids, right? And of course TONS of picks are always great. :)

  11. They did such good jobs. I love the tiny piece of ham, too cute!
