Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Family Lunches: 5.7.13

Daddy has the day off, so no lunch for him.

I have sunflower seed basil crackers, a couple leftover taquitos, ham, strawberries, carrots, orange slices, and melon.
Carrots: 1g, melon: 5g, crackers: 10g, taquito: 5g, strawberries: 4g, ham: 1g

The Boy has Chobani Champions for snack (not pictured, 9g).  His lunch is sunflower seed basil crackers, a leftover taquito, ham, strawberries, carrots, and honeydew melon.

The Girl has a Chobani Champions for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is sunflower seed basil crackers, a leftover taquito, ham, strawberries, carrots, and orange slices.

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