Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Family Lunches: 5.9.13

I am going out for lunch tomorrow, so nothing packed for me.

Daddy has some leftovers from a dinner I had with my mom that he didn't get to come to because he was working late.  It's rotisserie chicken, cheesy garlic bread, potato salad that my mom made, strawberries, and pound cake.
Wrap: 25g, apple slices: 5g, melon: 5g, pretzels: 20g
The Boy has Chobani Champions for snack (not pictured: 9g).  His lunch is ham and hummus roll ups, apple slices, honeydew melon, and some raspberry yogurt pretzels.

The Girl has Chobani Champions for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is ham and hummus roll ups, orange slices, strawberries, and some raspberry yogurt pretzels.

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