Monday, September 16, 2013

Lunches: 9.16.13

I was inspired by the quail eggs I got this weekend.  They are too cute!
Breakfast sandwich skewers: 24 g, melon: 5g, grapes: 5g

The Boy has breakfast sandwich skewers with Cabot cheddar on a sandwich thin, with bacon and hard boiled quail eggs, on a bed of lettuce from my CSA, along with melon and grapes, all packed in an Easylunchbox.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 27g).

The Girl also has breakfast sandwich skewers with Cabot cheddar on a sandwich thin, with bacon and hard boiled quail eggs, on a bed of lettuce, with Sierra figs and grapes, packed in an Easylunchbox.  Her snack is a Chobani Champions yogurt and a cereal bar (not pictured).

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