Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lunches: 9.19.13 - Talk Like a Pirate Day Blog Hop!

The pirate speaks,"It's Talk Like a Pirate Day! How could I miss puttin' together a couple o' piratey lunches for t' sprogs? I didn't go too crazy this year, due t' time constraints, but I couldn't let t' day pass without a little fun, and o' course, thar's a couple Bento Blogger and buckos Blog Hops t' go with t' day. I'm on the East Coast Ship, Black Bread's Revenge.
Sandwich: 18g, lettuce: 1g, cheese: 1g, eggs: 1g, pirate booty: 15g, grapes: 5g
The Boy has some Pirate Booty, grapes, a Pirate Flag sandwich, a couple hard boiled quail eggs (one decked out like a pirate, a bed of lettuce, and a cheese stick, packed in an Easylunchbox.  He has a granola bar for snack (not pictured, 17g)

The Girl has the same thing, except her quail eggs remain un-dressed, also in an Easylunchbox.  Her snack is a granola bar and a Chobani Champions yogurt (not pictured)

Now, for more Piratey fun, Hop on over t' Bentobloggy and onward t' see what adventures t' Bento Blogger and buckos have in store for you on this Talk Like a Pirate Day."


  1. These look great! Love the little quail pirate.

  2. Awesome Jolly Rogers!

  3. Cute, I love the little quail egg pirate. :)

  4. The pirate quail egg is adorable!

  5. Arrr.. love the flags and quail eggs! Yo ho ho!

  6. I love your Pirate Flags and the Quail egg Pirate, Argh!

  7. Yummy pirate lunch! Love the pirate flag!

  8. Yar ships and pirate egg Arrr too cute!

  9. Love the flag and quail egg pirate!

  10. That wee little bucaneer is brilliant!

  11. Love the flag and cute quail egg pirate!
