Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lunches: 9.23.13

Fall is here!
Puzzle sandwich: 25g, grapes: 5g, carrot: 1g, apple: 8g, Pirate Booty: 8g
The kids have essentially the same lunch - The Boy has a banana for snack (not pictured, 28g). For lunch, he has Pirate Booty snacks, an apple from one of our own trees, a Lunch Punch Puzzle sandwich with turkey, grapes, and carrots from my CSA, all packed in an Easylunchbox.

The Girl has a banana and a granola bar for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is Pirate Booty, an apple from one of our trees, a Lunch Punch Puzzle sandwich with turkey, grapes, and carrots from my CSA, all packed in an Easylunchbox.