Thursday, November 14, 2013

Family Lunches: 11.14.13 - (Partially) Kid Made!

The Boy made his own lunch today, but I made lunches for The Hubby and for The Girl.
Sandwich: 26g, raisins: 16g, carrots: 1g, apple slices: 8g, Dick & Jane snacks: 18g
The Boy's lunch is a liverwurst and cheese sandwich, apple slices, rainbow carrots, raisins, and Dick & Jane Educational snacks, in an Easylunchbox.  His snack is an apple (not pictured, 8g).

The Girl has a gingerbread bagel with pumpkin cream cheese, raisins, Dick & Jane Educational snacks, pear slices, and Brussells Sprouts in an Easylunchbox.  Her snack is a banana (not pictured, 28g)

The Hubby has some Caesar salad, a ham and cheese sandwich, apple slices, potato chips, and a banana, in a Go Green Lunchbox.

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