Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Family Lunches: 11.19.13 - (Partially) Kid Made!

The Boy is really into making his own lunches lately, and he is doing such a good job, I don't want to discourage him - so his lunch is self made, but I made lunch for The Girl, and for myself.

Sandwich: 40g, yogurt raisins: 12g, dinosaur cheese puffs: 8g, apple slices: 8g, Dick & Jane snacks: 12g
The Boy packed himself a sandwich on spent grain bread, with liverwurst and muenster cheese, yogurt raisins, apple slices, Dick & Jane Educational snacks, and dinosaur cheese puffs I found at the store.  His snack is a granola bar (pictured here with the lunch, his decision, 29g).

The Girl has a sandwich on spent grain bread with ham and Cabot cheddar, yogurt raisins, dinosaur cheese puffs, apple slices, and brussells sprouts.  She has a granola bar for snack (pictured here with the lunch).

I have a sandwich on spent grain bread with liverwurst and Muenster cheese, yogurt raisins, apple slices, a rice krispies treat, and buffalo ranch pretzel bites.

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