Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lunches: 12.5.13

The kids were done with turkey sandwiches for this week (more turkey is in the freezer for when they are ready for it again!), so I made them non-Thanksgiving Leftover lunches.
Jelly roll-ups: 26g, carrots: 1g, Goldfish: 10g, Dick & Jane Snacks: 18g, watermelon: 5g, apple slices: 4g
The Boy has jelly roll-ups, carrot sticks, watermelon, apple slices, Dick & Jane Educational snacks, and Christmas Goldfish crackers.  His snack is yogurt (not pictured, 12g)

The Girl has jelly roll-ups, carrot sticks, a clementine, apple slices, Dick & Jane Educational snacks, and Christmas Goldfish crackers.  Her snack is yogurt (not pictured)

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