Sunday, January 12, 2014

Family Lunches: 1.13.14

I absolutely meant to make bread and granola on Sunday.  I had it all planned.

But... instead, we started on a bathroom redo project we've been meaning to start, worked on cleaning a bit, and I snuggled with The Girl and watched two Harry Potter movies (we just finished reading book 5.. working on catching up with the movies!)  I'd say that's not a bad way to spend a day.

It didn't get bread made, but it was still a pretty good day.

I will do my best to get bread and granola made early this week.  It's still in the plan.

Anyhow, our lunches are homemade bread and granola free for this Monday.

Sandwich: 25g, strawberries: 5g, apple slices: 6g, Dick & Jane Educational snacks: 18g
The Boy has a salami and Cabot cheddar sandwich, along with strawberries, Granny Smith apple slices, and some Dick & Jane Educational snacks.  His snack is a blueberry muffin, made by The Girl (not pictured, 24g).

The Girl has some leftover Brazilian chicken salad on a bed of spinach, with Pinata apple slices (fancy apples!  Can't resist occasionally!) and some Dick & Jane Educational snacks.  Her snack is also a muffin (not pictured).

The Hubby has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, strawberries, Red pepper chips from The Better Chip (review coming oh so soon!), and some Pinata apple slices.

I have leftover Brazilian chicken salad on a bed of spinach, Pinata apple slices, and some Red Pepper chips from The Better Chip.

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