Friday, January 17, 2014

Lunches: 1.17.14

I made crockpot bbq pulled pork last night, and the kids loved it, so I decided to pack them some in their lunches.
Bun: 24g, Pork:4g, Fruit jelly: 4g, apple: 4g, Dick & Jane Educational Snacks: 

The Boy has a bun, a container full of bbq pork, a fruit jelly, Pinata apple slices, and Dick & Jane Educational snacks.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl also has a bun, a container full of bbq pork, a fruit jelly, Pinata apple slices, and Dick & Jane Educational snacks.  Her snack is also a yogurt (not pictured)

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