Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lunches: 1.23.14

The kids loved the Greek inspired Wacky Worldly Waffles we had for dinner, so they have leftovers for lunch.  Alas, I did not make enough topping to have leftovers, so I made sandwiches with them instead.

Waffle sandwiches: 30g, spinach & feta: 1g, fruit jelly: 5g, watermelon: 5g
The Boy has a couple Lemon Oregano waffle sandwiches with ranch cream cheese (a dip I made for my Post-Holiday party), spinach, and a little feta, along with a bed of spinach with some extra feta.  He also has watermelon and a fruit jelly.  His snack is Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured, 18g)

The Girl has the same as The Boy for both lunch and snack.

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