Thursday, March 20, 2014

Family Lunches: 3.20.14

The Girl made dinner on Wednesday night - Mexican Chicken in Almond Sauce.  We all loved it and I packed leftovers in lunches.
The Hubby's Lunch
The whole family has the same thing - leftover Spanish rice pilaf, The Girl's Mexican Chicken in Almond Sauce, grapes, and strawberries.

Rice: 20g, Chicken: 3g, strawberries: 5g, grapes: 5g
The Boy has an apple and a granola bar for snack (not pictured, 37g).

The Girl has an apple and granola bar for snack (not pictured)

The Girl got some spices and a cookbook from my sister (who runs Green Ink Proofreading and works at Penzey's Spices - did you see her Reuben Pizza guest post?) for her birthday, and she intends on cooking more often.  Last night was a success, so we are all looking forward to her future endeavors!

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