Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lunches: 4.3.14 plus Sausage Stuffed Piglet Buns

The Boy decided he wanted to make dinner on Wednesday night.  He did the recipe search himself, and was very proud to present to me his idea - Sausage Stuffed Piglet Buns from Girl Meets Dough.  Perfect.

We took a bit of a shortcut and used ready-made Italian bread dough (pop-n-fresh!).  Instead of using beans for eyes, we just used a bit of black food coloring.

Some of them turned out better than others, but The Boy was very proud.  We made them together, but I let him take the lead.  He served them with Caesar salad.

Piggy buns: 45g, salad: 5g, strawberries: 5g, bunny grahams: 23g
For lunch, The Boy has some leftover salad with dressing in the little dog container, a couple piggy buns, strawberries, and chocolate Bunny grahams.  His snack is a couple of Blueberry Belvita breakfast biscuits and apple slices (not pictured, 22g)

The Girl also has some leftover salad with dressing in the little tiger container, a couple piggy buns, strawberries, and chocolate Bunny grahams.  Her snack is a couple of Blueberry Belvita breakfast biscuits and apple slices (not pictured).

I look forward to more kid cooking in the future.

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