Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lunches for Outings: VINS (with bonus King Arthur Flour) and Eagle Mountain (4.24.14 & 4.25.14)

We had Spring break this past week, and the kids and I had a couple of adventures that included lunches.
Rough-legged hawk
American Kestral

Snowy Owl
On Thursday, we went to VINS, the Vermont Institute of Natural Science, with my mother.  It is mainly a raptor rehabilitation and education center, and we saw a couple of live raptor educational shows.

For lunches, we had a sandwich with hummus, ham, and Cabot cheddar, apple slices, strawberries, and some carrots.  My mother also brought some pretzels.

Of course, we stopped by King Arthur Flour before heading home, because it is 10 minutes from VINS, but two hours from home... it would have been a travesty if we had simply skipped it.  Mostly, we stopped by to admire their beautiful artisan bread.

The Girl took the opportunity to grind some wheat.

Then, on Friday, we got together with a friend and took a little hike on Eagle Mountain, enjoying lunch in the woods.  I brought us crackers, ham, a cheese stick, carrots, apple slices, and a couple Easter candies in the egg.

I am hoping that this spring and summer bring many outings and hikes.  Last year was kind of a dud, so I'm crossing fingers for more cooperative weather and timing.  We do love our adventures, and our Easylunchboxes!

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