Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Family Lunches: 5.7.14

Happy Wednesday!  I made homemade pizza for dinner tonight, using a great dough recipe from King Arthur Flour, and we have leftovers for lunches.
Pizza: 40g, honeydew melon: 5g, apple slices: 4g
The Boy has a slice of cheese pizza, a slice of barbecue chicken pizza, honeydew melon, and apple slices.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 24g)

The Girl has a slice of cheese pizza and a slice of barbecue chicken pizza, apple slices, and a babybell cheese.  Her snack is an applesauce and a banana (not pictured).

The Hubby has a slice of barbecue chicken, a slice of Buffalo chicken, and a slice of cheese pizza, along with apple slices and honeydew melon.

I have a slice of Buffalo chicken, a slice of barbecue chicken, and a piece of cheese pizza, with honeydew melon and apple slices.

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