Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lunches: 9.17.14

I picked up some pumpkin corn bread mix from Trader Joe's, and it wasn't my favorite plain.. so I doctored it up some and it is pretty yummy the way I made it.

Doctored up pumpkin corn bread for dinner, with cowboy quinoa veggie burger and pineapple salsa

 I added pumpkin butter for half of the oil, and stirred in a cup of roasted corn and half a cup of roasted pumpkin seeds.  The kids loved it, so I packed some in their lunches.

Snack sticks: 8g, watermelon: 5g, cornbread: 30g, pepperoni & cheese: 2g, apple slices: 4g
The Boy has some pumpkin corn bread, turkey pepperoni from Vermont Smoke & Cure (review and giveaway coming soon!), a cheese stick, apple slices, watermelon, and apple cinnamon snack sticks.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 27g).

The Girl also has some pumpkin corn bread, cracked pepper beef and pork stick from Vermont Smoke & Cure, a cheese stick, apple slices, watermelon, apple slices. and apple cinnamon snack sticks.    Her snack is also a granola bar (not pictured).

Disclaimer: Though I used Trader Joe's products, this blog is not sponsored by Trader Joe's. All opinions are my own (or the kids')

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